Thursday, June 12, 2014

Well it was a happy baptism on Sunday. There were 3 families who had children that were baptized on Sunday. And we had a large turn out too! About 40 of our family and friends came to visit and celebrate Madison. She looked great wearing Aunt Dee's (my godmother) old dress. And Amy (Madison's godmother) wore the dress too. I just love the tradition. We had a laugh too about the certificate saying that Madison was the daughter of Troy Madison and Tiffany Madison and they had the baptism date wrong and Kyle's last name was spelled wrong...geez! But that was an easy fix at church. Silly heads.
We then had everyone back to our house for a nice luncheon. Marge Walters was the caterer and we didn't have all that much food left over. Enough for a couple of lunches and I tossed a few of the chickens in the freezer. But overall it was a successful day. :)

Monday Madison and I went shopping with Mom. We found a couple pairs of shoes for my birthday :) Yay I love shoes! It is time to clean out the closet and get rid of a fee pair too.

Tuesday I went to the chiropractor and while there noticed that Madison had one heck of a rash. So while we were at lactation group I headed upstairs and made an appointment for her. Well we got there and they had time to do our well baby appointment too! So we got 2 shots and the oral rotavirus. And a 10 day course of Keflex to help with the rash. So far so good. 24 hours later and the red inflammed neck that has been ugly for a least a week is now starting to heal and the rash is still there but less angry, thank goodness! We are growing right on pace. 14 pounds 11.2 ounces and 26.5inches long. I am so blessed to have a healthy growing peanut who has just taken over my heart.

Wednesday was a sleep day after working Tuesday night. Thankfully I was able to sleep from 8:30-2pm. Yay for long sleep! Then it was a workout and dinner at mom's house for my birthday. Although it is not until the weekend Mom and Bob are leaving for FL bright and early on Saturday morning. It was nice to spend time with the family and enjoy the evening on the patio. Again I am so blessed! My little lady has so much fun with the cups at Gigi's! I love her serious looks as she grabs and puts everything in her mouth :)

That brings us to today. A good cook day and some cleaning. I swear I had the kitchen cleaned...and then I cooked dinner! I was able to make a pasta dish for next week to use up the chicken in the fridge. And then it was using up the salad and spinach to make dinner for Troy and I. And I also started my first batch of baby food by using up some strawberries and a mango that was going bad. Success! I think I will mash up the sweet potato leftovers tomorrow and toss those in the freezer too. YummY! I feel so "crunchy"! But I know that it is better for Madison and I want her to get used to eating healthy options along with her rice cereals and everything else. We both slept well too :) I love naps. I don't know what I will do when we have 2 kiddos!? Be a little sleep deprived I am sure. We will figure that out as we go. Mom wants to go to Tuscany in October of 2015, not sure if that is condusive to our baby making planning or not but we shall see. Oh heavens!

I started the Copaxone back almost 2 weeks ago and so far so good. The shots are still a little itchy but overall I have not been having the tingling heaviness that I was so that is good. It helps to have the autoinject and Troy is a pro at helping, thank goodness he is not afraid to poke me!

Help these babies who are struggling right now on our unit. You are the true healer. Heal their little bodies and nourish their hearts with love. I pray for Mr Balata who has left this earth and hopefully entered your kingdom, grant peace to his family who mourns him here. Give them strength to forgive and to accept his death. Bless Natalie who is struggling with her own demons right now. Give her courage. Give her strength and peace. Always peace. You are love and healing. Let her know in her heart that she is a great mother and guide her. And thank you for letting me see another birthday. I am so grateful for the gifts you have given me.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

What a life

Well it has been a busy yet fun week!

Last week on Thursday our little nugget learned to blow raspberries. She is constantly giggling and spitting and just jabbering along. It's so cute! Last Friday we made a trip to Columbus for Matthew and Christie's wedding. It was nice to spend the night at Amy's and have a few hours of chatting time before we left Saturday for Springfield. And who can pass up a free babysitter :) YAY! I am looking forward to our few nights of date nights this month.

Sunday we booked it early to get some yardwork done for Madison's baptism this upcoming Sunday. I feel like getting anything done with a 4 month old at home takes 3x as long! I would love to figure out how to babycarry on my back so I can get some things done while still holding her. I guess I should try and hit up a babywearing group next week and see what I can learn. Monday night was a nightshift, so really got nothing done during the day Monday or Tuesday...oh well again there. Tuesday we had the new sitter come over, Rachael. We like her a lot. Let's hope it continues to work out. Tuesday was a little bittersweet. Madison nursed in the morning for the last time. And it was a good nursing session. I will miss the little one being so close and being able to provide that nourishment for her. But I realize that I need to be on my meds so I jumped in with 2 feet and started on the Copaxone Tuesday night. Thankfully the shot didn't hurt as much as I was expecting.

Wednesday it was a little bit of running around and getting things ready in the house, we did get the garage completely done Wednesday night. Madison went to bed early every night this week. Must be getting into a routinue. It was 8:30 4 nights in a row that she was down in bed and asleep. Hopefully it continues! We are so lucky.

Thursday morning was 48hrs since my last nursing session and my right breast is SOOO tender. I don't even want to think about bumping it, touching it, moving it. It is 8/10 pain and very uncomfortable. I need to put some more ice on it...ugh

Tomorrow I don't know how much I will accomplish, the tables and chairs are supposed to be coming at some point. Rachael will watch Madison for a few hours so I can nap post nightshift, then maybe I can get some yardwork done when I wake up? Ha that's laughable. Mom wants to head up to Coventry in the afternoon and I thought about going to the outlets...humm maybe not. Maybe the outlets on Monday next week since Troy wants to get the yardwork done for the baptism.

Busy busy busy...I need a few minutes to just breathe!

Father Lord,
Thank you for the sunshine that was beaming on us today. Your earth is beautiful and full of life. Thank you for the time I had with Madison today, she will grow up so fast. Help me to slowdown and enjoy the simple pleasures she brings to my life. Give me the guidance required to raise her to know you. Give Troy and I the patience we need to be parents, which can at times be the most exhausting job.

If I don't write before Sunday, Madison will be baptized in church Sunday! We are so excited and blessed beyond belief! :)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Blah. I am tired and missing my husband and baby. At least I was able to see both of them for a few hours before coming to work tonight as Troy made a speedy drive home early. I love him.
But I was looking for a new job today as I have been for awhile. My current job environment is TOXIC and there is little room to grow or learn. I feel very stagnant. Is it easy work...yep. Is it enjoyable work...yep (I love the educational aspect of my job, teaching families and other nurses and who wouldn't just love the babies!) But...rotating...the politics...the template...the hours...ugh. I am mentally fried some days...from the sheer lack of pizzazz. There was a job opening for a pediatric perinatal RN associated with the Clinic. I might talk to Troy about applying. I don't know what the plan will be though when we have baby number 2. Will I still want to work? Will I want to stay home? Do I want to change jobs or just cut back to 1 day a week? I wish to go PRN but alas that won't work as easily as I had hoped. I do enjoy working. I enjoy getting out of the house and interacting with other adults. Don't get me wrong, I love Madison and I love being a mama, but I also appreciate being a nurse.

Guide my life according to your plan. Place me in the position I need, whether that is at home or in the working world. Help me to accept my place. Give Troy patience as I work to figure this all out. Amen.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Another night another story

Ah back for a second night in a row of the dark side...nightshift. My body is just not designed to work nights. I hate them. I at least slept well today (if you count 6 hours with 2 pee breaks well) so I shouldn't complain. I look forward to cuddling my little babe on Tuesday morning though. Oh how I miss her, and it's only been less than 36 hours since Troy and Madison left but I wish to cuddle with her instead of the NICU babies.
Today my MS feels a little better than yesterday, still some heaviness and tingling in my left arm but I was able to do an hour of yoga today and that really helped to loosen up my tight muscles. I think I need to get back to the gym here soon to get into the pool. But for now I do what I can.
Tonight I am pondering what to do for my 30th birthday. We have a 5 mile run scheduled for the morning and I will walk/run the event. Then a nap will most likely be in order since the race starts at 6:30AM. But from there I don't know. Zac Brown Band is coming to Blossom, or the Improv, or just dinner and drinks at a gastropub? Troy said his parents are offering to come watch the babe if we want to get out of the house. Hummmm Or do we just wait and do a really fancy dinner while down in FL? Decisions, decisions.
Well back to work I suppose.

God, thank you for today. For the beautiful sunshine and nice weather. For good sleep and time to re-energize myself. For a healthy beautiful baby and for a loving kind husband. Thank you for a father who calls to make sure I am out of the house on time, for mom who will make dinner for us tomorrow and for a happy pooch and cat who make our house a home. Help me to fight on, to know You, to trust in Your ways. Guide my heart as we start a new day to seek ways to share Your kingdom. Thank you for protecting Beth's little baby girl; help her to grow strong and to remain healthy! You are good. Amen

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Working nights today...ugh I hate nights. I know some nurses LOVE them. I despise them. Blah.
And this is the first morning that I won't see my babe when I get home either. Troy took Madison to Z-ville for the weekend to visit the family. Although I will be happy to sleep soundly when I head home I will also be sad to not have my snuggle time in the morning before sleep evades.
Troy being the great father that he is took the babe for the whole weekend so he will have her for three nights in a row. Almost 72 hours without seeing the little lady, I might shed some tears. After being attached at the boob for 6 weeks without a bottle and then another 6 weeks before heading back to work....I am kind of attached to my little lady bug. Maybe I will just quit. But I love my work too. Such is the struggle of a mama.
I can't wait to hear how the weekend away turns out for the both of them. Hopefully she sleeps well and doesn't keep Troy awake all weekend.

MS: Left arm slightly painful, tingling, heaviness, able to type okay though, good strength.
TGS: (Trevis Gleason Scale) 4

But I am still loving life!

beginnings and blessings

I feel compelled to write. It but the voice in my head into pen. It has been years since I have blogged but feel it is where I need to begin again. Where I can find me, the new me, the change I seek.

I am a wife to a wonderful husband whom I have been married to for over 3 years. God has given us quite the roller coaster the first few years of our marriage but we are stronger people because of it and our marriage is stronger for it. We are not perfect but we laugh, we tease, we sing (off key mostly), we grow, we love. And for those things I am grateful.

This past January we welcomed our first daughter into the world, a little girl, Madison Rose. I love her. She makes my heart so happy. As a friend of mine put it, being a mother is the best vocation in the world. Some days present challenges, but for the most part the last 4 months have been blissful. She sleeps well, eats well, and is a joy to watch grow. Her newest "trick" is grabbing her toes and rolling to the side. She makes me melt. I am a NICU nurse. I finally feel that I have found my niche. I love the babies and the families. I love the growth outside of the womb as the little babies learn to conquer the world. If I ever need a lesson on strength I just need to look at them.

And lastly what truly is the reason that I need to write and find an outlet for my thoughts...I have multiple sclerosis. My MS battle started in May 2011 shortly after Troy and I were married. I am thankful that I have had a relatively benign course. The first summer living through it and getting a diagnosis was the worst. But since then has been bearable. My pregnancy was great and symptom free. And the past winter has been relatively symptom free except for the first few weeks after Madison was born. Now that the heat is starting to creep back into the days my left side is a little more heavy, a little more tingley, a little more annoying. I am so sad to have to wean breastfeeding in order to start back on Copaxone. I wish it could be some other way. But the reality is that I need to start back on my medication before the true heat of summer starts up. (What a pain in the butt or a pain in the forearm at the moment...)

But really this blog is a place for me to talk about how I am coping with my MS. How I am coping with being a mama. And to share to joy of this life I am blessed to live.